Vision: Witnessing to the Compassionate love of Jesus, to offer humanised affordable holistic quality health care to all especially to the Poor and the Needy.
Mission : To enable every individual who come here enjoy quality life by providing timely quality services and best treatment to all clients with special focus to the poor and marginalised.
Logo meaning
Signifies God’s unconditional love towards humanity through the person of Jesus who died on the Cross. Cross has healing power.
Symbol of peace. In bible dove represent Holy Spirit. All the people who associate with this hospital experiences peace and serenity.
Our Key Strengths
1. Quality service
2. Care with compassion and Love
3. Affordability to all
4. Utmost Respect for life in all it’s stages
5. A strong commitment to serve with smile
6. Affordability
7. Extension of service at community
8. A close partnership between medical staff, employees and religious